N.L. government plans to have internal policies on workplace harassment reviewed

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – The government of Newfoundland and Labrador is going to engage an external consultant to review its own internal respectful-workplace and harassment policies, according to a press release that it sent out on March 30. The government’s Harassment and Discrimination-Free Workplace Policy, which consists of guidelines to help public-service employers ensure that workers are familiar with procedures for dealing with or preventing harassment, has not been amended since the fall of 2011, noted backgrounder information from the Office of Premier Paul Davis. “Harassment in the workplace cannot be tolerated. As an employer, the provincial government strives to create a work environment for its employees where they feel safe and free from harassment,” Davis said in a press statement. “We recognize that it is critical and necessary to ensure our policies are up to date and relevant for our public-service employees.” The N.L. government will work to identify the consultant and draft terms of reference through the Human Resource Secretariat and the Public Service Commission.

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